About Us

Learn about Educational Kits for Home

Why was Educational Kits for Home created?

As experienced primary school teachers, and now parents ourselves, we are passionate about how children engage and learn.

We have empathy for the thousands of parents and carers who, every year, want to know more about their child’s education and how they can help support their schooling at home.

The most common frustration voiced is the difficulty in knowing where to begin, with either finding good resources or being in sync with what is being taught at their child’s school.

Our kits are beautifully presented in a purpose designed interior and contain the same concrete, hands on resources that teachers use within their classroom. Each item has been carefully selected to align with the Australian Curriculum. We use quality products which will give many years of use when cared for.

Our Learning Hub has been designed so parents and carers can access content that shows how to use our amazing resources. It will empower you with the knowledge and understanding of what is taught in schools and how. The activities and games focus on number concepts and outcomes taught within each stage of learning in Maths.

EK4H Maths is only the beginning of our journey at Educational Kits for Home.  We will be launching a variety of kits that cover other Key Learning Areas in 2022.

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